
We are proud to back all of our products with a lifetime guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied, then please let us know and we will be more then happy to give you a full refund. Contact us at

Q. Can l return an order that l am not satisfied with?
A. Yes, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please return your product for an exchange or full money back guarantee.

Q. How do l return or exchange a product?
A. To return or exchange a product please call our Customer Service Department at 1-631-855-3425 or email to receive specific instructions.

Q. Can l return or exchange a product that is past its expiry date?
A. Our products all come with extensive expiry dates so this would be a very unusual occurrence, but should this situation arise, please contact please call our Customer Service Department at 1-631-855-3425 or email to receive specific instructions.